Meet leading HR and recruitment professionals across Geelong

Meet leading HR and recruitment professionals across Geelong Sarah Jane Thomas & Susannah Albones from Sj Personnel Recruitment, Human Resource & People Solutions agency

We chatted all things AI, CHATGPT and how they are already using it in their business. All part of our first in-person lunch and learn event down in Geelong at our Bureau24 Growth Hub inside Wel.Co Armstrong Creek Town Centre. We literally asked CHATGPT anything!

Thanks to our partners Linda Dunduru Taf Shaamano, CFA for putting on this amazing event and come along and check out our space, the podcasting booths, meeting booths and you can host your next event here also!

TorchT Productions Benjamin Thompson

Excited to share a bite-size interview from our Ask CHATGPT anything live, in-person networking event. Always learn something new hearing from others.

Check out our first interview with Sarah Jane Thomas & Susannah Albones from Sj Personnel Recruitment, Human Resource & People Solutions agency who were kind enough to support our very first event out at Bureau24 located at Wel.Co Armstrong Creek Town Centre.

Get in touch with Taf Shaamano, CFA & Linda Dunduru if you want to join us and become part of this exciting community.

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SJ Personnel offer recruitment and HR services to businesses and candidates throughout Geelong, Surf Coast, The Bellarine and western Victoria region

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